Just like humans communicate with one another, dogs do, too. If dogs had a language, you could call it “dogese.” They’ll “talk” with each other from an early age on, sharing information such as “I want to play,” “Don’t approach him or her,” or “Shall we invite him into our little group here?”
If you have a dog who spends most of his or her time alone at your home, he or she doesn’t get a chance to socialize with other dogs. That said, why not utilize doggy daycare for your dog to have time to socialize with other dogs? Just like you’d organize a playdate for your child, you can make sure your pet gets time with others whom he/she can truly relate to, with “dogese.”
It’s a good thing for a dog to sharpen their communication skills with people as well as with other dogs. To become fluent in a language, one must immerse themselves in it, right? While you could take your dog to a dog park, they’re only there for a limited amount of time– that’s akin to you taking a Spanish class in high school a few times a week. Now imagine you spend a semester living in Mexico or Spain. You’re going to speak better Spanish. How can your dog get good at “dogese?” Have him/her attend doggy daycare, especially at a young age during the formative years.
Putting your pooch in doggy daycare helps him/her learn how to act properly around other dogs and other people. They learn how to “play nice.” A socialized dog becomes a more confident dog– able to interact with other dogs easier than one who is always secluded.
Doggy daycare offers a great outlet for a dog’s energy. They get exercise. They’re not lonely. When they need bathroom breaks, someone is there to make sure it all works out properly. They get a change of scenery from the same old, same old. And they make new friends. What’s not to like?
If you obtain a dog from Copper Canyon Australian Labradoodles, and you’re not able to be home with your pet all day, every day, consider putting him/her into local doggy daycare for socialization purposes. It’s great for your pet, and you’ll meet other fellow dog lovers– a nice bonus!