With April showers come May showers – and mud and the need for baths for your pup. With spring around the corner, it’s likely that your labradoodle will get into some of the mud outdoors in the coming weeks as you let them out to play in the warmer weather. Labradoodles have a specific type of coat, though, that requires a little more tender loving care than a regular dog breed. Luckily, we have put together some tips that can help you keep your pup’s coat looking fresh and professionally groomed even if they’ve been playing in the mud.
First of all, you should brush your doodle before placing them in the tub. Since labradoodles have a curly coat, they have a predisposition to mat their fur. Most of the time you won’t even need to use a comb to detangle any bunched up fur – just using your fingers will work fine. If you try to remove knots when your doodle’s fur is wet, however, it could hurt them, so be gentle and try to detangle before bath time.
Next, you should know your dog’s skin. Is it dry, or does he or she scratch more often in winter months? If so, you should look for an oatmeal-based shampoo. Oatmeal shampoos are much gentler on the skin and will minimize dryness or scratching. It’s important to remember that doodles do not have a fur undercoat which means that you don’t need to use a conditioning shampoo.
When you finally get your dog in the tub, make sure that the water is an appropriate temperature. You do not want to shock him or her. In the warm water, use your fingers to massage the shampoo in and help rinse it out completely. Curly-coated dogs like labradoodles can trap small pockets of shampoo in their fur, so make sure to rise completely as dried shampoo can be itchy to your pup’s skin.
After your dog is washed, make sure to towel dry your ‘doodle to remove any excess moisture. You should then let your dog air dry completely to make sure their natural curls come through. Be aware, though, that labradoodles can get ear infections and wetness in the ear can make this more likely. As part of draying, take a small cotton ball and use it to swab out the inside of the ear to draw out water.
Last, once your pup is towel dry, it helps to brush their coat to help make sure there’s no tangling in the fur. You often brush your hair after a shower, and it’s as effective for your pup’s coat as well. Brush once right after you first dry to help loosen any lingering mats before the fur dries completely and then again after they’ve completely dried to remove any lingering mats.
A Few Final Notes
Last, a few final notes from our experience that can help you with your home grooming. First, typically you can wash your pup with nothing more than water – unless they have gotten particularly dirty. Spring does mean mud, so if your labradoodle has taken a roll in a particularly dirty puddle, you may need something more. In our experience, glycerin bar soap is more effective than most shampoos in removing dirt, so if you have a bar or will need to pick up puppy-safe shampoo, try the glycerin instead.
This spring, make sure that your labradoodle’s coat is properly washed and groomed – and mud free! Following these tips will make bath time a breeze and ensure your labradoodle’s coat is just as happy and healthy as they are. For more tricks and tips, or to learn more about adding a new labradoodle to your family, check out our expected litters now or call Copper Canyon Labradoodles today at 877-850-2022.