Full Size Miniature/Sm Medium Australian Labradoodle Litter – due March 2021
Golds, chocolates and blacks, expected size 20 pounds
Introducing Dorrie! Dorrie is a sweet natured girl who has a zest for life and has an all around great personality. She lives in a guardian home and competes in 4 H with their daughter, which is great fun for both of them. She’s a lovely full sized mini with a beautiful fleece coat and we are excited that she has passed her health testing with good results.
I’ve chosen to have Clark sire this litter for us this time. Clark is a confident, sweet natured boy with lovely boning and structure. He’s a friendly boy and he has just a touch of that “I’m cool” attitude about him. He carries for chocolate and gold so we should see a colourful litter from them. He weighs 22 pounds and Dorrie is around 20 pounds, so we should see puppies finishing out around that size. This litter would be graded as multigen Australian Labradoodles. Dorrie had nine puppies last time, so we will see what she has this time… This litter list is full and if she has more puppies, we will make them available after they are born.
It turns out that I have three puppies available, as I had intended to keep a boy from this litter and had promised a boy to another breeder, but there are a few puppies in the litter that have a minor incorrect bite that disqualifies them from being a breeding boy. And a family has had to defer because of a family situation, so we have three puppies available for adoption!
And here are their portraits!

Blue Collar Black Boy – going to the Kumar family
This sweetie is a pretty middle of the road puppy – not timid and not bold either. He’s got a lovely coat of curlier fleece or wool and he’ll finish out as a full sized mini we expect. He’ll enjoy getting out for walks and he’s playful and gentle with us, which I like. He’ll make a lovely pet.

Black Collar Black Boy – pending to Saltspring
My sweetest little black boy! He’s utterly charming and he is oriented towards people already – very sweet! He’s the smallest puppy in the litter, more like his daddy for size. I love his face as well as his nature. He’s another puppy that I had had my eye on, but his slight bite imperfection means he’ll be a lovely pet but not a breeding boy… He’d do well with therapy work we think and certainly will make a great family pet for anybody.

Tan Collar Black Boy – pending to Saanich
What a handsome and sweet natured fellow! He’s going to finish out nicely in the miniature size range we expect (between 20 and 25 pounds). He’s got a slight bite imperfection that in no way should impact health, but one would be remiss to not mention it. He has a straighter coat of fleece and a really cute face. I love his gentle and social, trusting nature and he’ll make a great family pet. He’d have therapy potential for anybody interested in doing that.

Smallest Red Girl
This sweetie is going to go into a guardian home with Daisy’s family!

Purple Collar Black Girl – going to the Tam family
This cutie is a friendly and social girl who is somewhere between mellow and moderate for energy levels. She cuddles in nicely but also will enjoy playing and going for beach walks etc. I think she’d doe fine with kids or grand kids. She’s not as curly as dad but curlier than mom and has a nice fleece coat.

Red Collar Caramel Boy – going to the Vrooman family
He’s handsome, he’s pretty smart and he is a pretty cool dude! He has a really nice fleece coat with some curl to it, so he’ll be easy for the groomer to shape. He’s more on the mellow side but he certainly likes to play with his siblings and he’d be a great walking companion. He has a slightly imperfect bite that in no way impacts his health but it does mean that I won’t keep him as a breeding boy as I’d hoped to. I think he’ll do well with kids or grandkids. He’ll be a full sized mini we think, so closer to the 25 pound size for sure.

Red Blaze Boy – going to the Shaw family
Isn’t he handsome! He’s a nice puppy and settles in nicely when we pick him up (he likes laps). He’s more on the mellow side for energy and he’s fairly self possessed, which I like. He’s not timid and he’s not bold, so he’ll make a pretty easy pet for a family with kids. He’s the curliest of the puppies and more like his daddy for coat.

Chocolate Boy – going to the Shewchenko family
This sweet fellow is a real charmer! He’s steady nerved, snuggles in nicely and has a nice amount of confidence without being bratty. He has a slight bite imperfection that will not impact his health but it does mean that I won’t keep him as a breeding boy (I had had my eye on him too). He’s a touch smaller than some of his siblings but isn’t tiny so maybe will finish out around 20 pounds? He’d be a great family pet for any family as his temperament is absolutely lovely.
Reservations for this litter:
- The Tam family
- The Vrooman family
- The Shaw family
- The Holm family
- available
- available
- available
- _________________________________________________________________________________
This litter list is full, but the info below is an “fyi” for families to understand how we have been doing things during covid : )
This is our last planned litter for spring this year. This litter list will be opened Jan 29 2021 at 10am pacific standard time.
Unfortunately, due to such high demand for puppies, the former, usual and much more pleasant way of doing things via personal visit and phone conversation has just become unworkable. We’d open a litter list and the phone would ring busy for most folk and that just wasn’t working. And I’m not inclined to take a two year waiting list of reservation fees at this time. So until things resume a more normal pace post covid, this is what we have come up with:
When a litter list opens, the reservations for this litter list will be determined by date/time stamp via email. You will need to have a current puppy adoption form filled out to us before that date as I will refer to that. Our form has recently had a couple of added fields to it, so please send us a new one.
Families who would like to be added to this litter list will send me an ’email letter of intent’ on or after that date/time, stating that they would like to be added to this list. Please put “Dorrie’s Litter” in the header so that I can do a gmail sort. If you do not put that in the header, I may miss your email and I will not rearrange the order of the list after, if your email is missed. As the list opens at 10am, emails sent earlier than that will NOT be considered. Gmail will do the sorting of that for me!
I will contact the successful families and do a phone interview. Within a few days of the litter list opening, the families who are successful will have their names posted onto this litter page. I will accept eight names for Dorrie’s litter. Because this litter is bred already, we will require $1500 towards the purchase price to be placed on this litter list. A second payment will be invoiced when the babies are born and the final amount will be due when the puppies are around seven weeks old.
While I do understand that families have differing preferences regarding colour, coat type, boy or girl, if a family is narrowly specific, it reduces the chance that there will be a puppy that meets that description and so I encourage families to be open to male and female and that families be open to a range of colours. By far, activity level and temperament are the best way to determine a good fit for a family pet. Do not get a dog more active than yourself on a daily basis, and do not get a puppy that is more determined (stubborn) than you!