Full Sized Mini – Mid Sized Medium Australian Labradoodle Litter, confirmed pregnant, born Jan 29/30 22
apricots, golds and possibly parti markings, 25 – 35 pounds
Amber has decided to have TWELVE babies this time! She is doing great with them all. We have four girls and eight boys this time, all of them in various shades of gold and apricot, and two of them with white parti markings. Way to go, Amber!
Introducing Amber! Amber is one of the easiest going of dogs and she is just as happy going on a long walk or beach romp as she is taking over part of the couch for movie watching! She is a lovely apricot medium sized girl out of Bentley and Bella. She carries the genetics to have both mini and medium sized puppies and so we have decided to let a cute little apricot boy named Bart be the dad of this litter.
We had thought to let Bart be the dad of this litter, but the flooding and damage to the highways prevented that. So thank you to Claire at Van Isle Doodles for letting Eli do the honours! Eli is a cute little package of gold fluff and he has a lovely friendly personality to boot! He’s only 15 pounds, so I am expecting it will bring the adult size down in this litter. As he is gold and Amber is apricot, we should see an entire litter of blondes of various shades (no brunettes or dark colours this time). Expected size to be 25 – 35 pounds. This litter would be graded as multigen Australian Labradoodles.
And here are the babies! This litter is spoken for but not yet fully sorted to families.

Black Collar Tuxedo Boy – going to the Truman family
This cutie is a handsome boy! He’s playful and social and moderate for energy levels. He is 5.5 lbs at seven weeks and so I’m going to think he’ll finish out as a smaller medium in size. He has a lovely coat of curlier fleece and is nicely put together. He’ll make a great companion for a family wanting a dog to go on longer walks, romps at the beach, hikes, etc.

Brown Collar Gold Girl – going to the Patrick family
This sweetie is a nice little puppy! She’s mellow and gentle, slightly stubborn and cuddles in really nicely when we pick her up. She’s 4 1/2 pounds right now and is likely to finish as a full sized mini for size. I think she’d do well with kids or grand kids and will be a really nice companion.

Dark Green Collar Apricot Boy – going to the O’Brien family
What a handsome boy! He’s sweet and gentle and mellow in activity levels and we like him a lot! He’s 5 3/4 pounds at the moment and so we think he’ll finish out as a smaller to mid sized medium when he’s fully grown. He’ll make a great family pet for somebody with kids or grand kids. He’s got a cute little white chin and a really cute face!

Dark Pink Collar Tuxedo Girl – going to the Naimi family
What a cute girl she is! She’s more on the mellow side of things and will make an easy puppy to train, I think. She has lovely fleece coat and cute markings. She’s just over 5 lbs right now and so she will most likely finish out as a smaller medium in size, which is a great size for families wanting a dog big enough to go on walks and play with kids but still easy to handle. She takes things in stride and I like her a lot.

Lt Green Collar Boy – going to the Jasra family
This is a nice little boy!! He’s easy going and sweet and gives kisses but not face washes, which I like! He has a straighter fleece coat like his mom and I think he’ll finish between his parents in size. He’s 5 3/4 pounds right now. He’ll do well with kids if you have any and he’ll be an easy boy to train as he has a nice desire to please.

Lt Pink Collar Tuxedo Girl – possibly for CCL
This cutie is a sweet little puppy! She’s mellow and gentle and gives kisses. He has cute white markings on her toes and chest and chin and a curly fleece coat. Super nice puppy, she’ll make wonderful family pet.

Navy Collar Boy
This cute little guy is a fun and outgoing puppy with moderate energy. He’ll be game to go on longer walks and will be your partner in crime for whatever you wish to go and do! He’s likely going to finish as a full sized mini as he weighs 4 1/2 pounds at the moment. He’ll do well with a family with older kids who he can keep up with, or an active family wanting a dog to go on treks and then flake out on the couch afterwards. He has a nice coat of curlier fleece and I think he has a really cute face. With his bright little eyes, you can see the smarts in there!

Orange Collar Boy – going to the Corscadden family
Isn’t he cute! He’s the littlest in the group, weighing just under 4 lbs right now and so we expect him to finish as a mini for size. This little boy is a gentle and mild natured boy. He’s not brave but not timid and he has a friendly little personality. He’ll do great in a quieter home with a good routine so he knows what is expected and when it’s happening. He’s a sweet natured boy and I think he’ll be a really gentle and affectionate pet.

Purple Collar Parti Girl – going to the Haight family
This gal is a cute, cute puppy! She has perfect markings on her face and body and wavy/curly fleece coat. She’s one of the biggest puppies in the litter and is likely to finish out well in the medium size range. She’ll do great with kids or grand kids if you have those. She’s more on the mellow side for energy levels and is slightly stubborn but not tremendously. She’ll be a good companion.

Red Collar Boy – going to the Driediger family
This handsome fellow is a really lovely boy. He’s 5 3/4 pounds right now and has a beautiful fleece coat. He’s nicely put together for structure, he’s pretty mellow and sweet when we snuggle him, and I like him a lot. He’ll make a great family pet.

Yellow Collar Parti Boy – going to the Hoyle family
This cutie is a nice little puppy! He’s 4 3/4 pounds right now, so will likely finish out in the mini size range. He has a straighter fleece coat and really symmetrical markings (which I prefer). He’s nicely put together and doesn’t struggle when he’s put on his back. He’s more mellow than moderate but slightly more active than some of the mellowest of the group. He’ll make a nice pet for a family with kids or grand kids.

Teal Collar Boy – going to the Nichol family
This little fellow is a hoot! He’s funny and a bit of a rascal (in a good way) and moderately energetic. He doesn’t struggle on his back so he’s not overly dominant, he just likes to play and do things. He’s smaller than some, at 4 3/4 pounds so will be a full sized mini most likely. He’ll do great for a more active family who wants a dog to play games with or go on decent walks together.

Deposits pre-booked for this litter:
- Copper Canyon (maybe)
- The Driediger family, Manitoba (maybe)
- The Hoyle family, Sherwood Park AB
- The Jasra family
- The Truman family
- The Naimi family, Victoria
- The Corscadden family, Edmonton
- The Haight family, Victoria
- The O’Brien family, Chemainus
- The Nicol family
- The Patrick family, Vancouver
Available puppies:
The Howitt family